Youth Trek at Muddy Creek

July 1-3 at Muddy Creek

If you're interested, volunteer! Commitees include: Ma’s and Pa’s, food, activities, medical, equipment and photography.  

Stake Trek Representative

Doug Neilson

Stake Trek Representative

Amanda Neilson

We have some fun activities leading up to Trek that will be on a ward or stake level.  Activities will be the 3rd week of the month and will replace the youth activity for the week. More details on activities to come.

1/17/2024    Trek Kick-off Party 6:30-8pm

3rd Week of Feb- ward youth activity- Family History/ 

3/19 /2024 Stake Youth Activity- games and line dancing

3rd week of April- Ward Activity- Trek Prep

(Final count and release forms turned in, in April)

3rd week of May- Ward Activity- ward youth hike

6/15/2024 Trek to the Temple

Trek July 1-3rd 

7/20/2024 Adult Trek Leader BBQ 6pm

7/28/2024 Post Trek Fireside 3pm